What Are You Passionate About?


Passion is defined as a “strong and barely controllable emotion”…WOW!!

I’m just saying...Can you actually say there is anything you feel that way about?

My wife and I were sitting with the kids last night talking about the current state of their relationship with Christ, and how they were evaluating themselves and their proximity to Him. They all shared wonderfully about how they had been praying more regularly and how some of them were sticking to the Bible reading challenge I had given them. After they shared, I began to speak about what I had been praying for God to do in them and all the young people in our church.

I told them that I wanted them to begin to pray like I prayed, that God would create in them a passion for Him. That they would move from the routine of prayer and bible reading to the desire of intimate time with Him. I began to share with them that at one point in my life the time I spent with God in the mornings was just that, a routine. But over time, I grew to love God so passionately that  now, I look forward to my mornings and if something should happen to cause me to have to adjust my schedule and meet God later, I feel deprived of our time together. It’s no longer an obligation it’s a privilege, it’s a place where passion resides in my life.

But passion isn’t reserved just for prayer time and time spent with God. Passion can exist in us for all types of things. We can have this strong and barely controllable emotional drive in business, charity, family relationships, our goals and dreams. There is also no limit on the number of things we can be passionate about. But we should all be passionate about something.

I believe that Passion begins with our love for God, spreads out to other areas of our lives and drives us to accomplish something great.

There are a few things I have a passion for:

  • I’m passionate about my wife and children, and about securing a future for them.
  • I’m passionate about seeing the youth in our culture burn with a love for God that drives them to impact their generation.
  • I’m passionate about growing as an effective leader.
  • I’m passionate about creating a culture of true revival in our communities.

What are you passionate about?!?!?!?

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